The Clean Water Campaign


The Divine Gateway Foundation’s Clean Water Campaign aims to increase access to safe drinking water and educate community members about proper water handling and sanitation practices. The campaign focuses on vulnerable communities with limited access to clean water sources.


  1. Improve access to safe drinking water in underserved areas.
  2. Educate the community on water safety practices.
  3. Advocate for sustainable water policies and infrastructure improvements.


  1. Community Assessments: DGF will conduct needs assessments to identify areas lacking access to clean water. This data will guide intervention strategies, including the installation of water purification systems.
  2. Educational Workshops: DGF will organize workshops to educate community members about the importance of clean water, water purification techniques, and safe water storage practices. These sessions will include hands-on demonstrations to ensure comprehension.
  3. Partnerships for Implementation: Collaborating with local government and NGOs, DGF will work on implementing sustainable water solutions, such as rainwater harvesting systems and community water purification projects.
  4. Advocacy and Policy Change: DGF will engage with local authorities to advocate for policies that support clean water access, mobilizing community members to participate in advocacy efforts.

Expected Outcomes

  • Increased access to safe drinking water for vulnerable populations.
  • Enhanced community knowledge about water safety and sanitation practices.
  • Improved advocacy for sustainable water policies at local and regional levels.


Carter, R. C., Tyrrel, S. F., & Howsam, P. (2010). The importance of water quality in improving health: Evidence from the literature. Water Science & Technology, 61(9), 2185-2192.

World Health Organization. (2017). Water quality and health – Review of the evidence. WHO.

Bennett, C. M., Hoekstra, J., & Schoenfeld, A. (2018). Advocacy in water and sanitation: Strategies for change. Water Policy, 20(3), 545-558.